Pipe Bending Sys­tems GmbH & Co. KG


Markus Hose
Call us or write to us. 
We are at your ser­vice and sup­port you!
+49 2725 9540–0

Help for your PBS pipe bending machine

Excel­lent ser­vice for your productivity

We do not just pay lip ser­vice to cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion! We attach par­tic­ular import­ance to excel­lent after-sales ser­vice for our machines and products, which cus­tomers value in us and can expect at any time. It forms the basis for a trusting, reli­able and sus­tain­able busi­ness rela­tion­ship. After pur­chasing a machine, you are in the best hands with our ser­vice. Please feel free to describe us as helpful, fast and solution-oriented!


scope of services

  • tech­nical sup­port by phone and online via Remote
  • Fast ship­ment of spare parts from stock with an extremely high avail­ab­ility of parts
  • Reg­ular / pre­ventive maintenance
  • Annual expert inspec­tions and elec­trical inspec­tions according to GUV‑V A3
  • Repairs
  • Sup­port and optim­iz­a­tion of your pro­duc­tion processes
  • Ret­ro­fits of machines, safety tech­no­logy as well as soft­ware updates for your machine con­trol system

    How can we help you?