Pos­i­tioning system for flange tacking of fit­ting pipes in the cor­rect position

By means of the ROBOFIX System the pos­i­tion of the flanges can be pre­cisely sim­u­lated at the work­shop, so that the dis­tance and align­ment of
the flange planes and the hole pat­tern cor­res­pond exactly to the actual install­a­tion situ­ation on the con­struc­tion site. Pos­i­tioning of the flanges can be executed using the geo­met­rical data pre­vi­ously gen­er­ated on site through iso­metric sketching by the SCOPELINK meas­uring system. The required pipe can be pro­duced by an assembly of seg­ments or by bending, it has to be posi­tioned between the flanges and fixed to them by tack-welding. The quality assur­ance of the whole oper­a­tion is car­ried out by the ROBOFIX System which con­trols con­tinu­ously the accuracy of flange pos­i­tions and pipe courses.

The pipe, man­u­fac­tured from seg­ments or by bending, is posi­tioned cor­rectly between the flanges and joined to them by tack welding. The ROBOFIX system ensures the quality of the entire fit­ting pipe man­u­fac­turing pro­cess, as com­pli­ance with the flange pos­i­tions and pipe routing is con­stantly monitored.

After welding the flanges on a Welding sta­tion, the com­pletely pre­fab­ric­ated fit­ting pipe can be taken to the con­struc­tion site, where it can be per­fectly integ­rated into the piping system.


ROBOFIX Pos­i­tioning system for flange pipe / tem­plate pipe manufacturing

The advant­ages

ROBOFIX DN 400 in numbers

Tech­nical data

Max­imum travel of the gantry 400 — 2000 mm300 — 1600 mm300 — 1600 mm
Pos­i­tioning accuracy of the gantry ± 0,1 mm0,05mm-
Max­imum pipe weight400 kg48 kg25 kg
Rota­tion of the 3D flanges± 90°± 90°± 90°
Pos­i­tioning accuracy of the 3D flanges ± 0,1° je Freiheitsgrad± 0,05° je Freiheitsgrad-
Flange adaptersDN40 — DN400DN25 — DN100 (DN125)DB25 — DN 100
Dimen­sions, approximately7200 x 1300 x 2200 mm5500 x 1000 x 1800 mm2300 x 620 x 800 mm
Weight, approx­im­ately8000 kg4000 kg250 kg
Con­nected load16,0 kW19,0 kW-
  • Hoch­präzise räum­liche Pos­i­tionierung der Anschlussflan­sche für ein Passrohr ents­prechend der vor Ort aufgemessenen Einbausituation
    unter Ber­ück­sich­ti­gung von Winkel­lage und Lochbild
  • Direkt Über­nahme der mit dem SCOPELINK Iso­met­ri­er­system ermit­telten Positionierungsdaten
  • Tra­verse mit präziser Lin­ear­führung, über Ser­vo­motoren angetrieben
  • 3D Flan­sche mit halb­ku­gelför­miger Aus­rich­tung, über Ser­vo­motoren angetrieben
  • Hydraul­ische Fest­s­tell­bremse zur sicheren Fix­ierung der Einbaulage
  • Ver­fahrbares Bedi­en­pult mit Steuer-PC, vor­instal­lierter Steuer- und Visualierungs-Software
  • Integ­rierte Kollisionskontrolle
  • ROBOFIX DN 100
  • ROBOFIX Light

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