Insight TUBOBEND 90 S pipe bending machine

Pipe bending made easy!

The machines are mainly used in the indi­vidual and small series pro­duc­tion of tube bending parts, for adapt­a­tion and main­ten­ance work or as mobile assembly machines (e.g. on con­struc­tion sites). stop­pers for the length and ro-tation pos­i­tions facil­itate the work in the pro­duc­tion of small series, since the tube can be pre­cisely fixed on the respective starting posi-tion for the next bend.

A 2‑axis meas­uring system with digital dis­play of the cur­rent pos­i­tion values for the feed and rota­tion axis as well as many other fea­tures are option­ally available.

TUBOBEND pipe bending machine

The advant­ages

Tubobend 90S in numbers

Tech­nical data

Max­imum bending per­form­ance (steel pipe)
Ø 88,9 x 7,0 mm (Ø 104,0 x 3,0 mm)
Max­imum bending radius
250 mm
Max­imum bending speed
12 °/s
Bending accuracy
± 0,1°
Dimen­sions, approx­im­ately (WxHxD)
5300 x 1200 x 1350 mm
Usable lengths, approx. 
3000/4500/6000 mm
Weight, approx­im­ately
3000 kg
Con­nected load
12,0 kW
  • Exposed bending head for max­imum bending space
  • Elec­tronic SIMATIC Touch Panel con­trol with user guid­ance, auto­matic sequen­cing of the data records and storage cap­ab­ility for 100 bending programs
  • Hydraulic pipe clamping with adjustable clamping pressure
  • Hydraulic pres­sure die pos­i­tioning (mech­an­ical fine adjustment)
  • Fol­lower-type pres­sure die (linear guiding)
  • Hydraulic man­drel retraction
  • Pos­i­tioning device for pipe length and rota­tion, incl. 3‑jaw chuck
  • Hydraulic collet chuck
  • Adjustable bending speed
  • Pres­sure die assist
  • Auto­matic pres­sure die retraction
  • Length and rota­tion meas­uring system with digital display
  • Anti­cip­ated man­drel retrac­tion for optim­izing the bend quality
  • Man­drel lub­ric­a­tion device
  • Remote con­trol or foot switch for bending and clamping function
  • Mobile con­trol board
  • Inter­face for data import from PIPEFAB BE pipe bending software
  • Pipe bending soft­ware PIPEFAB BE for install­a­tion on an external PC
  • Inter­face for remote main­ten­ance of the machine con­trol via VPN
  • Pipe length (over man­drel): 3000 mm / 4500 mm / 6000 mm
Markus Balkenhol
Geschäfts­führer, Gebi­ets­verkauf­sleiter Mitte
If you have any ques­tions, please do not hes­itate to con­tact me!
+49 2725 9540 — 27

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