Insight TUBOSCAN C pipe meas­uring arms

Dis­cover the high-pre­ci­sion pipe meas­uring arms

The ROMER Abso­lute arm com­bines high-pre­ci­sion and reli­able meas­ure­ment with a com­pact and light­weight design. The meas­uring arm is avail­able at dif­ferent meas­uring ranges (from 1500 mm up to 4500 mm) and accuracy classes.

The Abso­lute arm can be equipped with tactile probes, an infrared meas­uring fork or a laser scan­ning system for meas­uring of the pipe course. The meas­uring data are con­tinu­ously aquired and eval­u­ated by the pipe-spe­cific TeZ­etCAD meas­uring soft­ware. They can be edited in tab­ular form, in Excel format, as drawing or in CAD file format. Direct trig­gering of the pipe bending machine is also possible.

TUBOSCAN C pipe meas­uring arm

The advant­ages

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