Pipe Bending Sys­tems GmbH & Co. KG

Data Pri­vacy Statement


We take the pro­tec­tion of per­sonal data and, there­fore, your pri­vacy very ser­i­ously. We would like to take this oppor­tunity to explain how we pro­tect your data and what it means for you when you use our ser­vices. To guar­antee max­imum pro­tec­tion of your pri­vacy, it is a matter of course for us to comply with all legal pro­vi­sions on data pro­tec­tion. We comply with the pro­vi­sions of the Gen­eral Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion (GDPR) and those of the new German Fed­eral Data Pro­tec­tion Act (BDSG-new) to Adapt Data Pro­tec­tion Law to Reg­u­la­tion (EU) 2016/679 and to Imple­ment Dir­ective (EU) 2016/680 (Datens­chutz-Anpas­sungs- und ‑Umset­zungs­ge­setz EU – DSAnpUG-EU).

Given that legis­lative amend­ments or changes to our internal com­pany pro­cesses may make it neces­sary for us to amend our Data Pri­vacy State­ment, we kindly ask you to read this Data Pri­vacy State­ment reg­u­larly. The Data Pri­vacy State­ment can be accessed, saved and printed out at any time under Data Pri­vacy Statement.

1. Scope of validity

This Data Pri­vacy State­ment applies to the online ser­vices of TRACTO-TECHNIK GmbH & Co.KG, Paul-Schmidt-Str. 2, 57368 Len­nestadt, Ger­many (here­in­after referred to as “TRACTO-TECHNIK”) which are access­ible under the domain www.pipe-bending-systems.com and the various sub-domains (here­in­after referred to as “our website”).

2. Name and address of the respons­ible party

The respons­ible body and ser­vice pro­vider is TRACTO-TECHNIK GmbH & Co.KG, Paul-Schmidt-Straße 2, 57368 Len­nestadt, Ger­many (here­in­after referred to as “TRACTO-TECHNIK”).

3. Name and address of the data pro­tec­tion officer

Dr Karsten Kinast, LL.M.
KINAST Recht­san­walts­gesell­schaft mbH
Hohen­zollernring 54
50672 Köln
Tel.: +49 (0) 221 222183 0
E‑mail: datenschutz@Drill360.com
Web­site: www.kinast.eu

4. Gen­eral inform­a­tion about data processing

In prin­ciple, we col­lect and use our users’ per­sonal data only to the extent required to provide a func­tional web­site along with our con­tent and services.

4.1. Per­sonal data

Per­sonal data is inform­a­tion which is asso­ci­ated with you as an indi­vidual. That includes your name, e‑mail address, res­id­en­tial address, gender, date of birth, tele­phone number and age. Non-per­sonal data is inform­a­tion such as the number of users on a website.

4.2. Pro­cessing of per­sonal data

Pro­cessing refers to any pro­cess – with or without the assist­ance of an auto­mated pro­cedure – or any such series of pro­cesses executed in rela­tion to per­sonal data, such as the col­lec­tion, recording, organ­isa­tion, arrange­ment, storage, adapt­a­tion or alter­a­tion, retrieval, con­sulta­tion, use, dis­closure by trans­mis­sion, dis­sem­in­a­tion or making avail­able in some other way, align­ment or com­bin­a­tion, lim­it­a­tion, dele­tion or destruction.
We col­lect per­sonal data via this web­site if you provide us with it vol­un­tarily, for example in the con­text of com­mu­nic­a­tion with us by filling out a form or sending us e‑mails. We use this data for the spe­cified pur­poses or those which arise from the enquiry, such as use of your e‑mail address to con­tact you. Transfer to third parties takes place only if it is expressly per­mitted by law or you have con­sented to the transfer as part of your applic­a­tion or over the course of an active busi­ness rela­tion­ship. Oth­er­wise, you can use the gen­eral inform­a­tion on www.tracto-technik.de without dis­closing your per­sonal data.
In par­tic­ular, per­sonal data is pro­cessed as follows:

4.2.1. Con­tact form

If you use the option of sending us enquiries via our con­tact form, we ask for the name of your com­pany, your title, first name, sur­name, street address, tele­phone number and e‑mail address. You can also enter your per­sonal mes­sage to us in the mes­sage field. It is entirely your decision whether you share the data with us. Without these details, how­ever, we will not be able to respond to your request for con­tact. So we can make sure that no robots fill out the form auto­mat­ic­ally, you will be prompted to enter the veri­fic­a­tion code correctly.

Pro­vi­sion of your per­sonal data enables us to for­ward your enquiry dir­ectly to the right dis­trib­utor for the best pos­sible pro­cessing of your enquiry. Your per­sonal data is not passed on to third parties when you use the con­tact form.

The data pro­cessing described above for the pur­pose of making con­tact is car­ried out in accord­ance with Art. 6(1b) and Art. 6(1f) GDPR.

4.2.2. News­letter

Before you can sub­scribe to our e‑mail news­letter, we need, in addi­tion to your con­sent, your e‑mail address, first name, sur­name, post­code and country of res­id­ence. This per­sonal data is pro­cessed to address you per­son­ally in e‑mails and tailor the con­tent of the news­letter to you indi­vidu­ally. It is entirely your decision whether you share the data with us. Without this inform­a­tion, how­ever, we may not be able to send you our newsletter.

When you sign up to the news­letter, your e‑mail address is used for our own pro­mo­tional pur­poses until you unsub­scribe from the news­letter. To unsub­scribe, you can either send an informal e‑mail to info@tracto-technik.de or follow the link at the end of the newsletter.

The legal basis for data pro­cessing after the user has sub­scribed to the news­letter is the exist­ence of con­sent from the user, Art. 6(1a) GDPR.

4.2.3. Trac­tuell

If you are inter­ested in our Trac­tuell, you can send an informal e‑mail to info@tracto-technik.de. We assure you that we will pro­cess the per­sonal data you provide only for the pur­pose of sending Trac­tuell. Your data is stored for as long as you are sub­scribed to Trac­tuell. On unsub­scribing, your data is erased. To unsub­scribe, you can send an informal e‑mail to info@tracto-technik.de. Con­tinued storage may take place on a case-by-case basis if this is pre­scribed by law. The data pro­cessing men­tioned above is car­ried out in accord­ance with Art. 6(1b) and Art. 6(1f) GDPR.

4.2.4. Online product enquiry

If you would like to submit an online product enquiry on our web­site (e.g. about a pipe bending machine), you will need to spe­cify, in addi­tion to tech­nical data, the name of your com­pany, the tele­phone number, an e‑mail address and a con­tact person. It is entirely your decision whether you share the data with us. Without these details, how­ever, we will not be able to respond to your product enquiry. The details enable us to answer your enquiry as best we can, in par­tic­ular to estab­lish con­tact with a con­tact person. Your per­sonal data is not for­warded to third parties when you submit a product enquiry.

The data pro­cessing for the pur­pose of answering your online product enquiry is car­ried out in accord­ance with Art. 6(1b) and Art. 6(1f) GDPR.

4.3. Legal basis for the pro­cessing of per­sonal data

The col­lec­tion and use of our users’ per­sonal data takes place on a reg­ular basis only with the users’ con­sent. Provided that we have obtained the data subject’s con­sent to pro­cess their per­sonal data, Art­icle 6(1a) GDPR serves as the legal basis for the pro­cessing of per­sonal data.

An excep­tion is made is such cases where prior con­sent cannot be obtained for fac­tual reasons and stat­utory pro­vi­sions permit the pro­cessing of the data. For the pro­cessing of per­sonal data which is required to per­form a con­tract to which the data sub­ject is party, Art­icle 6(1b) GDPR serves as the legal basis. This also applies to pro­cessing oper­a­tions required to take steps prior to entering into a contract.

Insofar as pro­cessing of per­sonal data is neces­sary for com­pli­ance with a legal oblig­a­tion to which we are sub­ject, Art­icle 6(1c) GDPR serves as the legal basis. If pro­cessing is neces­sary in order to pro­tect the legit­imate interests of our com­pany or a third party, except where such interests are over­ridden by the interests or fun­da­mental rights and freedoms of the data sub­ject, Art­icle 6(1f) GDPR serves as the legal basis for processing.

5. Cookies

In the fol­lowing sec­tion, we describe in detail data pro­cessing oper­a­tions in the con­text of using cookies.

5.1. Use of cookies

We use cookies on our web­site. Cookies are small files that we send to your browser and store on your device in the course of your visit to our web­site. Some of the fea­tures of our web­site cannot be provided without the use of strictly neces­sary cookies. Whereas other cookies enable us to per­form various ana­lyses. For example, cookies are able to recog­nise the browser you are using on sub­sequent visits to our web­site and transmit various inform­a­tion to us. Using cookies allows us to make the design of our web­site more user-friendly and effective for you by under­standing your use of our site and estab­lishing your pre­ferred set­tings (such as country and lan­guage set­tings). Insofar as third parties pro­cess inform­a­tion via cookies, they col­lect the inform­a­tion through your browser dir­ectly. Cookies do not harm your device. Cookies are unable to execute pro­grams and do not con­tain viruses.

Tran­sient cookies are used on our web­site which are auto­mat­ic­ally deleted as soon as you close your browser. This type of cookie allows your ses­sion ID to be recorded. This means that dif­ferent requests from your browser can be assigned to a joint ses­sion, and it allows us to recog­nise your end device during any sub­sequent visits to the web­site. The ses­sion cookies are auto­mat­ic­ally deleted when you log out or close the browser.

Our web­site also uses per­sistent cookies. Per­sistent cookies are cookies that are stored in your browser over an extended period and that transmit inform­a­tion to us. The respective storage period dif­fers depending on the cookie. You can delete per­sistent cookies your­self via your browser settings.

5.2. Legal basis

The legal basis for pro­cessing strictly neces­sary cookies is our legit­imate interest in pro­cessing per­sonal data in accord­ance with Art. 6(1f) GDPR. The per­sonal data is deleted once it is no longer required for this pur­pose and, in par­tic­ular, when the cookies are deac­tiv­ated. We require your con­sent for cookies that are not strictly neces­sary or third-party cookies. If you have granted us your con­sent to the use of cookies based on the inform­a­tion provided on the web­site (“cookie banner”), the legit­imacy of use is also based on Art. 6(1a) GDPR. As soon as the data that is trans­mitted to us via the cookies is no longer required in order to achieve the above-men­tioned pur­poses, this inform­a­tion is erased. Con­tinued storage may take place on a case-by-case basis if this is pre­scribed by law.

5.3. Con­fig­ur­a­tion of the browser settings

Most browsers are preset in such a way that they accept cookies as standard. How­ever, you can con­figure your respective browser in such a way that it only accepts cer­tain cookies or no longer accepts cookies at all. How­ever, you must bear in mind that you may no longer be able to make full use of all of the func­tions of our web­site if you deac­tivate cookies via your browser set­tings on our web­site. You can also use your browser set­tings to delete cookies that have already been stored on your browser. Fur­ther­more, it is also pos­sible to set your browser in such a way that you are noti­fied before cookies are stored. Since the dif­ferent browsers may func­tion dif­fer­ently, we ask you to make use of the rel­evant help menu in your browser for the con­fig­ur­a­tion options. If you want to see a com­pre­hensive over­view of all third-party access to your Internet browser, we recom­mend that you install plug-ins that are spe­cially developed for this.

6. Tracking and ana­lysis tools (per­form­ance cookies)

We use tracking and ana­lysis tools to guar­antee the ongoing optim­isa­tion and needs-based design of our web­site. Using tracking meas­ures, we are able to record stat­istics about the use of our web­site by vis­itors and fur­ther develop our online ser­vices with the help of the know­ledge gained as a result. If you have granted us your con­sent to the use of per­form­ance cookies based on the inform­a­tion provided on the web­site (“cookie banner”), the legit­imacy of use is also based on Art. 6(1a) GDPR. As soon as the data that is trans­mitted to us via the cookies is no longer required in order to achieve the above-men­tioned pur­poses, this inform­a­tion is erased. Con­tinued storage may take place on a case-by-case basis if this is pre­scribed by law.

6.1. Google Analytics

This web­site uses Google Ana­lytics, a web ana­lysis ser­vice provided by Google Ire­land Lim­ited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ire­land (here­in­after referred to as “Google”). Google Ana­lytics uses cookies, which are text files that are stored on your com­puter and make it pos­sible to ana­lyse how you use the website.

The data gen­er­ated by these cookies, for example about the time, loc­a­tion and fre­quency of your use of this web­site, is nor­mally sent to a Google server in the USA, where it is stored. When using Google Ana­lytics, the pos­sib­ility cannot be excluded that the cookies set by Google Ana­lytics will col­lect other per­sonal data besides the IP address. Please note that Google may transfer this inform­a­tion to third parties where required by law or insofar as third parties pro­cess this data on behalf of Google.

Google will use the inform­a­tion gen­er­ated by cookies on behalf of the oper­ator of this web­site to ana­lyse your use of the web­site, to com­pile reports on web­site activity, and to provide other ser­vices for the web­site oper­ator related to the use of the web­site and the Internet. Google states that it does not link the IP address relayed by your browser within the scope of Google Ana­lytics to other Google data.

In gen­eral, you can pre­vent cookies from being saved by means of the rel­evant set­ting in your browser soft­ware. How­ever, please bear in mind that you may not be able to make full use of all the func­tions on this web­site if you do so.
The pos­sib­ility cannot be excluded that the cookies set by Google Ana­lytics will col­lect other per­sonal data besides the IP address. To pre­vent inform­a­tion about your use of the web­site being col­lected by and trans­ferred to Google Ana­lytics, you can down­load and install a plug-in for your browser under the fol­lowing link: http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=de.

This plug-in pre­vents inform­a­tion about your visit to the web­site being trans­mitted to Google Ana­lytics. This plug-in does not pre­vent any other analyses.

Please note that you cannot use the above-men­tioned browser plug-in when vis­iting our web­site via the browser on a mobile device (smart­phone or tablet). When using a mobile device, you can pre­vent the col­lec­tion of your usage data by Google Ana­lytics by clicking on the fol­lowing link: Deac­tivate Google Ana­lytics. Clicking on this link will set an opt-out cookie in your browser. This opt-out cookie pre­vents inform­a­tion about your visit to the web­site being trans­mitted to Google Ana­lytics. Please note that the opt-out cookie is only valid for this browser and only for this domain. If you erase the cookies in this browser, the opt-out cookie will also be erased. To con­tinue to pre­vent Google Ana­lytics from recording data, you must click the link again. Use of the opt-out cookie is also pos­sible as an altern­ative to the above plug-in when using the browser on your computer.

To guar­antee the best pos­sible pro­tec­tion of your per­sonal data, Google Ana­lytics has been expanded on this web­site to include the code “anonym­izeIp”. This code causes the last eight bits of the IP addresses to be erased so that your IP address is recorded anonym­ously (IP masking). In prin­ciple, Google will shorten and thereby anonymise your IP address before trans­fer­ring it within the member states of the European Union or to other con­tracting states to the Agree­ment on the European Eco­nomic Area. Only in excep­tional cases is the full IP address sent to a Google server in the USA and abbre­vi­ated there.

6.2. Wired­Minds

Our web­site uses tracking pixel tech­no­logy provided by wired­minds GmbHto ana­lyse vis­itor beha­viour. Where neces­sary, data is col­lected, pro­cessed, stored and then used to create usage pro­files under a pseud­onym. Where pos­sible and prac­tical, this usage pro­file is com­pletely anonymous. Cookies may be used for this pur­pose. Cookies are small text files which are stored on the visitor’s Internet browser and used to recog­nise the Internet browser. The col­lected data, which may also con­tain per­sonal data, is trans­ferred to Wired­Minds or col­lected dir­ectly by Wired­Minds. Wired­Minds may use inform­a­tion that is left during a visit to the web­sites to create anonymised usage pro­files. The data col­lected is not used to identify the vis­itor to this web­site per­son­ally without the spe­cific con­sent of the indi­vidual con­cerned, and is not com­bined with per­sonal data per­taining to the bearer of the pseud­onym. If IP addresses are col­lected, they are imme­di­ately anonymised by way of deleting the last block of numbers.

Be excluded from web­site tracking and get more inform­a­tion about lead gen­er­a­tion with LeadLab.

7. Social media fan pages

You can use our web­site to access our social media fan pages on Face­book, Twitter, Xing, LinkedIn and You­Tube by clicking on the rel­evant social media button. When you click on one of these but­tons, you will be imme­di­ately redir­ected to the web­site of the social media pro­vider. No data is there­fore pro­cessed on our web­site. How­ever, as the oper­ator of these fan pages, we are also respons­ible and must guar­antee that your data is pro­cessed law­fully via these fan pages. You can find fur­ther inform­a­tion about the data pro­cessing that takes place on these fan pages on our fan page itself and in the pri­vacy policy of the respective social media provider:


8. Security meas­ures to pro­tect the data we store

We have set up organ­isa­tional and tech­nical security pre­cau­tions to pro­tect your data, in par­tic­ular against loss, manip­u­la­tion or unau­thor­ised access. We reg­u­larly adapt our security pre­cau­tions to ongoing tech­nical devel­op­ments. Intensive inform­a­tion and training of our employees as well as their oblig­a­tion to data secrecy ensure that your data is treated con­fid­en­tially. Our security meas­ures also include occa­sion­ally asking for proof of your iden­tity, par­tic­u­larly when you con­tact our cus­tomer ser­vice by phone.

9. Use of ser­vice pro­viders to pro­cess per­sonal data/processing of data in coun­tries out­side the European Eco­nomic Area

If we use ser­vice pro­viders to per­form ser­vices and to pro­cess your data regarding our ser­vices and products, those ser­vice pro­viders pro­cess the data exclus­ively in accord­ance with our instruc­tions and have been obliged to comply with the applic­able data pro­tec­tion reg­u­la­tions. All pro­cessors have been care­fully selected and will only have access to your data required to provide the ser­vices to the extent and for the period required, or to the extent to which you have con­sented to the pro­cessing and use of the data.

Ser­vice pro­viders in coun­tries such as the USA or in coun­tries out­side the European Eco­nomic Area are sub­ject to data pro­tec­tion which in gen­eral does not pro­tect per­sonal data to the same extent as that of the member states of the European Union. If your inform­a­tion is pro­cessed in a country which does not have a recog­nised high level of data pro­tec­tion sim­ilar to that of the European Union, we will use con­trac­tual reg­u­la­tions or other recog­nised means to ensure that your per­sonal data is adequately protected.

10. Storage period

We store your per­sonal data only for as long as per­mitted by law. The stored per­sonal data will be deleted if the user revokes their con­sent to its storage, if access to this data is no longer required to fulfil the pur­pose served by its storage, in par­tic­ular if the user account is deleted, or if its storage is inad­miss­ible for other legal reasons. Applic­able stat­utory reten­tion periods from the German Com­mer­cial Code or the German Fiscal Code remain unaf­fected by this. During the stat­utory reten­tion period, your per­sonal data will be blocked and not trans­ferred for any other data processing.

11. Rights of the data subject

11.1. Right of access by the data subject

You have the right to request inform­a­tion from us at any time about the data we store about you, as well as the origin, recip­i­ents or cat­egories of recip­i­ents to whom this data is trans­ferred and the pur­pose of the storage.

11.2. Right to with­draw consent

If you have given con­sent to the use of data, you can with­draw it at any time without stating reasons with future effect. To do so, send an e‑mail to datenschutz@tracto-technik.de or a written notice to: TRACTO-TECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG, Paul-Schmidt-Strasse 2, 57368 Len­nestadt, Germany.

11.3. Right to rectification

You may request the rec­ti­fic­a­tion of inac­curate data or the com­ple­tion of data stored with us without undue delay

11.4. Right to erasure and blocking

You have the right to blocking and erasure of the data we store about you. Erasure of your per­sonal data is usu­ally com­pleted within two working days of exer­cising this right of the data sub­ject. If the dele­tion is con­trary to stat­utory, con­trac­tual or fiscal and com­mer­cial reten­tion oblig­a­tions or other stat­utory grounds, your data may only be blocked rather than erased. After the dele­tion of your data, inform­a­tion can no longer be provided.

11.5. Right to data portability

In the event that you request the per­sonal data you have given us, we will provide you or another respons­ible person, if you wish, with the data in a struc­tured, com­monly used and machine-read­able format. The latter, how­ever, only if it is tech­nic­ally possible.

11.6. Right to object

You have the right to object to the data pro­cessing at any time without stating your reasons. It may be the case, how­ever, that once the right to object is exer­cised, we can no longer provide our ser­vices in full, because the pro­cessing of spe­cific per­sonal data is essen­tial for cer­tain services.

11.7. Con­tact for exer­cising the rights of the data subject

When you con­tact us by e‑mail at datenschutz@tracto-technik.de or by post at TRACTO-TECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG, Paul-Schmidt-Str. 2, 57368 Len­nestadt, Ger­many, we store the data you share (your e‑mail address, name and tele­phone number if applic­able) so we can respond to your ques­tions or request. We erase the data that arises in this con­text once storage is no longer required, or restrict the pro­cessing if there are stat­utory reten­tion requirements

12. Right of appeal to a super­visory authority

You have the right to lodge a com­plaint with the com­petent super­visory authority against the pro­cessing of your per­sonal data if you feel your rights under the GDPR have been infringed.