Insight TUBO­FORM C Cut­ting ring assembly and flaring machine

Dis­cover the

cut­ting ring assembly and flaring machine

The TUBO­FORM C can be used on a mobile basis and per­forms assembly and flaring work not only flex­ibly, but in a matter of seconds. Pipe fin­ishing is thus effect­ively optim­ized — right down to the tool change times.

TUBO­FORM C cut­ting ring assembly and flaring machine

The advant­ages

TUBO­FORM C cut­ting ring assembly and flaring machine

Tech­nical data

Pipe dia­meter range
Ø 6 — 42 mm
Max­imum forming force
173 kN
For­ward speed of the working cylinder
44 mm
Thrust speed of the working cylinder
6,9 mm/s
Dimen­sions, approx­im­ately (WxHxD)
660 x 265 x 515 mm
Weight, approx­im­ately
66 kg
Con­nected load
1,2 kW
  • Com­pact and rugged table-top machine for mobile and flex­ible use
  • Uni­ver­sally applic­able for both, cut­ting ring assembly and flaring (37° SAE, BV-10, ZAKO up to38 mm pipe OD)
  • Elec­tronic pres­sure adjust­ment, manu­ally or auto­mat­ic­ally (for use with tool recog­ni­tion system)
  • Short assembly or flaring times of only few seconds
  • Short set-up times for tooling when chan­ging the pipe dia­meter or the working method
  • Adjustable back stroke of the working cyl­inder for optim­iz­a­tion of assembly times
  • Batch-size counter and total piece counter
  • Oper­ator-friendly and easy to service
  • Attach­ment for cut­ting ring assembly (for manual pres­sure adjustment)
  • Attach­ment for cut­ting ring assembly (with tool recog­ni­tion system for auto­matic pres­sure adjustment)
  • Attach­ment for 37° flaring (SAE)
  • Attach­ment for 10° flaring (BV-10, ZAKO)
Frank Dob­bener
If you have any ques­tions, please do not hes­itate to con­tact me.
+49 2725 9540–41

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