The hol­istic system

The Con­nected Pipeshop

the part­ners

4 partner — 1 mission

The whole in one solu­tion for pipe plan­ning and production

The com­panies Pipe Bending Sys­tems, Poly­soude, Smap3D Plant Design and T‑Drill, all experts in the field of plant con­struc­tion, have been working closely together for years. Due to their pro­found part­ner­ship they brought a unique com­plete solu­tion for the plan­ning and pro­duc­tion of pipes and pipelines onto the market. Many cus­tomers already rely on the com­bin­a­tion of the four part­ners’ com­pet­en­cies and benefit from this integ­rated concept. In the new show­room in Len­nestadt Oed­ingen, which was opened in 2023, the entire pro­cess will be car­ried out from 2D and 3D plan­ning, the ten­dering of iso­met­rics, soft­ware-sup­ported pro­duc­tion plan­ning and con­trol to the pro­duc­tion sys­tems for bending (PBS), necking (T‑Drill) and Welding (Poly­soude) shown live — and even based on cus­tomer requirements.

Dr.-Ing. Chris­tian Gerlach
Have you any ques­tions about the Con­nected Pipeshop? I will be happy to answer them!
+49 2725 9540 — 0

Your per­sonal demo

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