Pipe Bending Sys­tems GmbH & Co. KG

The man­u­fac­turer of pipe bending systems 

About us

Pipe Bending Sys­tems
GmbH & Co. KG

PIPE BENDING SYS­TEMS (PBS) is an expert in fit­ting pipe and pipe pre­fab­ric­a­tion and is one of the leading com­panies in the field of digit­ized pipe pro­cessing. For more than five dec­ades, the com­pany has been devel­oping and pro­du­cing high-per­form­ance pipe bending machines, pre­cise meas­uring sys­tems and effi­cient soft­ware solu­tions for pipe pro­cessing. The digital inter­ac­tions of these com­pon­ents in various com­bin­a­tions and expan­sion stages cre­ates a unique system that offers a per­fect solu­tion for every application.

Pipe Bending Sys­tems GmbH & Co. KG


For more than five dec­ades, PIPE BENDING SYS­TEMS, a busi­ness unit of TRACTO-TECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG, has been a sought-after  partner for the pro­cessing pipes. In the course of this time, we have acquired extensive exper­i­ence in pipe forming technology.

This res­ulted in the system for pro­cessing media-car­rying pipes: PIPE BENDING SYS­TEMS and from this an inde­pendent com­pany PIPE BENDING SYS­TEMS GmbH & Co. KG. reflects our core com­pet­ence: thinking in terms of system solu­tions for pipe pro­cessing. The best system for single part and small batch pro­duc­tion with large product variance.

33 good reasons

Why PIPE BENDING SYS­TEMS is your right partner


PIPE BENDING SYS­TEMS has been around for over 5 dec­ades and has grown con­tinu­ously since then. This gives you sus­tain­able security for your investment.


Already in the name PIPE BENDING SYS­TEMS our prac­tice-ori­ented total solu­tion is in focus for our cus­tomers. We sup­port your entire busi­ness pro­cess with intel­li­gent products.


PBS is the partner at eye level at your side for your pipe tech­no­logy. From the idea to the training of your employees, we are at your side with our entire competence.


Over 350 pat­ents within the TRACTO-TECHNIK Group ensure your success.


Employee turnover is zero and grants you long-term per­sonal contacts.


Family-run com­pany offers you the desired security for a long-term partnership.


Over 12500 machines are suc­cess­fully on the market. Cus­tomer ori­ent­a­tion is not just some­thing we pay lip ser­vice to, but a con­vic­tion we live by.


Dur­ab­ility of PBS machine tech­no­logy is a guar­antee for prof­it­able and sus­tain­able profit for you.


The PBS team con­sists of about 38 pipe man­u­fac­turing experts and is your direct contact.


As a tech­no­logy leader in the field of single piece and small batch pro­duc­tion, PBS is the right partner for you in the fields of hydraulic, piping and plant engineering.


At PBS you get a com­plete and coordin­ated system of pipe man­u­fac­turing, meas­ure­ment tech­no­logy and software.


The first pipe pro­duced that comes out of your maschine has to fit. This is ensured not only by the solid machine tech­no­logy but also by the intel­li­gent PIPEFAB software.


We develop, pro­duce and assemble pipe bending tech­no­logy for you in Sauer­land — in the heart of Germany.


For you, we install the latest IT and con­trol tech­no­logy according to indus­trial stand­ards in our machines.


The machine concept is mod­ular and scal­able — so you will find your indi­vidual best solu­tion at PBS.


Digital sup­port of all busi­ness pro­cesses from design to pipe pro­duc­tion to pipe meas­ure­ment brings you lean and paper­less overall processes.


The modern man­u­fac­turing soft­ware PIPEFAB sup­ports your busi­ness pro­cesses digitally.


We pass on PBS exper­i­ence with media-car­rying lines and con­nec­tion tech­no­lo­gies to you on a 1‑to‑1 basis.


The focus of the PBS system is always on effect­ive­ness and impact on res­ults for you and your company.


Con­tinuous fur­ther devel­op­ment of the PBS system and our employees guar­antee you to be eco­nom­ic­ally “Up-to-Date”.


PBS is not cheap — But worth (the) price. This is reflected in the long-term busi­ness relationships.


We can name impressive and well-known ref­er­ences for indi­vidual sys­tems and machines at any time.


You are always wel­come to visit the PBS Show Room in Sauer­land and take the time you need to have a look at the indi­vidual sys­tems. Make an appoint­ment right away!


Even or espe­cially after the sale, we are at your side with our ser­vice and IT staff. Prompt help is guar­an­teed with us — even if things get stuck.


Pre­cise and fast meas­ure­ment tech­no­logy rounds off the port­folio of the PBS system for quality assur­ance and pro­duc­tion support.


Meas­uring a brake line with 18 bends within a few seconds and at the same time doc­u­menting it in a struc­tured manner is standard prac­tice with PBS meas­ure­ment technology.


The PBS team enjoys its work and always has an open ear for you. Benefit from an incom­par­able and motiv­ated working atmosphere.


Sus­tain­able cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion res­ults when we meet your expect­a­tions. But we want more — we want to inspire you.


Cus­tomers don’t want a tube bending machine — they want a per­fectly bent pipe — without fuss. Our expertise for your suc­cess! .


There are few cus­tomers for whom the overall PBS system does not fit. Here, too, we can sup­port you very well with indi­vidual products in detail.


Well-known OEMs in con­nec­tion tech­no­logy are happy to work with us. This means that you always receive state-of-the-art technology.


You have a direct line to us and we to you. Call us, write us an e‑mail. Per­sonal, direct and close!


You benefit from an incom­par­ably good working atmo­sphere and a motiv­ated, as well as friendly team, which burns with heart and soul for its cus­tomers and the pipe bending technology.

Stefanie Schnell
If you have any ques­tions, please do not hes­itate to con­tact me!
+49 2725 9540–0

    How can we help you?