Markus Hose
Not sure if PIPEFAB BE is right for you? Let’s find out together!
+49 2725 9540–0

PIPEFAB 4.0 BE (Bending Edition)

The result is pre­cisely precalculated

PIPEFAB BE (Bending Edi­tion) is sub­stan­tially com­posed of two pro­gram parts.The PIPEFAB Explorer is intended to be used for input and main­ten­ance of master data, such as pipe dimen­sions and mater­ials, existing pipe bending machines and bending tools. By means of the IsoInput module it is quite easy to gen­erate iso­met­rics and to cal­cu­late the cor­res­ponding bending data. Input of the pipe shape can be per­formed either as drawing with dimen­sioning the length and angle values, by input of XYZ coordin­ates or vector data. Moreover it is pos­sible to dir­ectly transfer already existing data from various CAD sys­tems or pipe meas­uring sys­tems via cor­res­ponding interfaces.

Based on the pipe’s iso­metric data and material the soft­ware cal­cu­lates the cut­ting length as well as the bending data, which can be printed or dir­ectly trans­ferred to the bending machine’s con­trol. An integ­rated bending col­li­sion check ensures that the pipe shape can be bent on the favoured bending machine.

PIPEFAB 4.0 pipe bending software

The advant­ages


Tech­nical data

Pro­ject administrationXXX
Admin­is­tra­tion and main­ten­ance of master dataXXX
Single-user install­a­tion/Client-server installationX / -X / 0X / 0
Gen­er­a­tion of single pipe isometrics/spoolsX / -X / -X / -
Cal­cu­la­tion and issuing of bending dataXXX
Inspec­tion of clamping, start and end lengthsXXX
Gen­er­a­tion and transfer of NC bending data-XX
Bending sim­u­la­tion with graphic display-XX
Import of CSV data/Export of CSV data0 / -X / 0X / X
Inter­face for import of CAD data (.pcf, .STEP, .IGES)000
3D rep­res­ent­a­tion of pipe course-0X
Branch com­pon­ents (detach­able connections)---
Iso­metric exchange of parts---
Screw con­nec­tions, T‑pieces, father-son parts---
Output of parts lists and cut­ting lists---
Gen­er­a­tion of man­u­fac­turing batches---

X = Standard  |  0 = Option  |  — = Not included

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